Saturday, May 8, 2010

Culture of Prayer

I was thinking the other day of what it would be like if Cody was known for having a "culture of prayer." I hear often of the power of prayer and what it has done for other towns, how it has birthed revival in other cities and nations. Would it do the same in Cody?

I think it would. But how does someone develop a culture of prayer? I don't think someone, myself very much included, can "develop" a culture of prayer. I brought this up with my Campus Pastor and he said the only resource we have is to pray that people would pray. It is kind of a funny thought. It struck me as so simple and yet so true. I realized how much I had been wanting this, how awesome it would be to see prayer meetings regularly, how amazing it would be to see people crying out to God for our city and how I hadn't even prayed for it! I was very convicted by this. Here I was wanting so much and yet unwilling to go before the living God and cry out for it.

I have decided to make a change. I have to rely on God to do His work in this town. I will call out to God that people will join in a movement to pray. I will ask God to burden people's hearts for prayer. May God burn in them a desire to see God glorified in the lives of many in this town!

Will you join me in this prayer? Lets get on our faces before God. Lets cry out to the Most High. Lets pray for revival in this City. May God be the God of this city!